It was given.

Because It was Given: (First draft)

It cannot be taken from me.

The space and place and time was predestined for me. For me.

(sing) What God has for me, it is for me. What God has for me, it is for me.

(speak) So the womb was ready when the two were not.

The conditions were set, the deck was already shuffled and cut and the card on top of the deck….

God delt: Me.

So here she comes, breached, but finally, born.

Life, undeniably, poured into her lungs.

But life, after first week breath became a ground for death and dying. In so many ways.

Taking pieces of her, from where, she knew not.

Til one day, being all grown up she began to feel that some thing was missing.

No longer holding, playing with, a full deck of her own.

But what was missing?

Laying down one night it came to her:

Awareness. Consciousness. Wisdom herself opened her eyes; saying without words: This ain't you.

You're living, but not alive.

This ain't you.

You were not made in lies, but in truth; but you've been ingesting lies. Spit them out.

Know this here, take this, eat this: LIFE.

While you are eating, drinking, let me tell you:

It was always yours. This time and space and place was made just for you.

Carved out of God, emptied out, hallowed, inside God, for only you.

Child, if only you fully knew.

How unalone you are in this space…. Please try to know and believe. Believe.

It cannot be taken away - you in God and God in you.

Eat this, drink this, savor this, daily. Momentarily.

Really, momentarily, my dear.

[You are, have been, always will be- forever- loved.]

About this blog

I took a line from the amazing kid David who was high on laughing gas. Kids have a knack for asking the right question at the right (and wrong) time - but it stayed with me: Why is this happening to me? Why is life the way it is?
Well, I don't have the answer. This blog isn't a "why" or "how to" - it's simply a look at life lived by faith, with arms wide open. I hope you enjoy sojourning with me as I explore some of the "whys", "why nots", and "oh, wells" in life.

If you can figure out why, please... do tell! *comment!*

