Pain & Pleasure

Unfortunately, I am starting believe (or fortunately, who knows) that pain and discomfort produces some of the best art.

It might be that in pain, we grow. If we do not encounter discomfort, how can we move beyond where we currently are? Think about it - few people seek out growth when there's no impetus to. If one does not detect a problem, it is highly unlikely that they will invest the time and energy into creating a problem to solve. That's just not how animals, let alone sentient beings operate. We avoid pain like the plague, but I am confident in saying that pain has produced some of the greatest treasures in art, philosophy, and religion. Van Gogh, Socrates, and Jesus Christ (for crying out loud!). That's not a definitive list, but those are easy examples.

From pain often comes heightened awareness. With our senses attuned to life and living, we evolve as a species. Hopefully, our evolution takes us in a positive direction. Sometimes, pain re-doubles itself, becoming a looming, oppressive mass in the universe - sometimes pains take on a life of their own and they get away from us....

I say all that to say, in some ways, we have to be grateful for pain. Because it alerts us to the fact that some needs aren't being met. If we are smart, and if we are able, our responsibility is to then learn from the pain, and press toward pleasure.

That is my wish for you - whoever you are.


jennifer May 30, 2011 at 9:39 AM  

Word! Pain can be such a clarifier, forcing us to decide what really matters, though it can also keep us from seeing the goodness all around us. I've experienced both kinds in abundance in the last year and a half or so, so it's good to remember that pain has a purpose. Miss you!

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About this blog

I took a line from the amazing kid David who was high on laughing gas. Kids have a knack for asking the right question at the right (and wrong) time - but it stayed with me: Why is this happening to me? Why is life the way it is?
Well, I don't have the answer. This blog isn't a "why" or "how to" - it's simply a look at life lived by faith, with arms wide open. I hope you enjoy sojourning with me as I explore some of the "whys", "why nots", and "oh, wells" in life.

If you can figure out why, please... do tell! *comment!*

