A few years ago, around this time, I had a yoga instructor named Beeker. During one session, we did a breathing exercise that required us to breathe from one nostril at a time (you can find out a little about nadi sodhana here, it's a really calming exercise). This technique in breathing is a controlled way of doing something that our body does naturally, that is, using one nostril predominantly for inhalation, the other for exhalation; the nostrils change roles seamlessly throughout the day.
One nostril at a time
Labels: breath , grateful , life , thanksgiving
Quarter of a Century
I spent a lot of time in the past six months wondering who was I becoming, and who I was for a part of my life.
Labels: birthday , life seasons
New Year - New Template!
Happy New Year fam-lay!
I'm just popping in so that I could do the one thing I promised myself to do today: work on my blog. That was what I was itching to do all day.
I know it's Valentine's Day, but I am not touching that in this post with a 10-foot virtual pole. It's just not where my head is. I'm looking forward to: my BIRTHDAY! *confetti*
In honor of my birthday, I'm making steps towards becoming more of the kind of person I want to be. I once read (somewhere out there) that one does not begin to grow into the person they wish to be until they decide what kind of person they want to be. It's important to decide how I wish to be in the world, and make steps towards being that kind of person. The rest, all that I set out to do, should fall in line with it naturally, and harmoniously.
I have spent my allotted time on blogging. But I enjoyed it. Especially finding this cool template!
Tell me what you think - and come visit me on twitter!
God is good - all the time. Peace.
Labels: birthday , improvement , New Year